I've never much appreciated Lady Gaga. Not because she's so committed to pop, or to over-the-top personal transformations; that doesn't keep me from working out regularly to Ke$ha
or P!nk or Britney. The real problem was that I didn't find Gaga's hooks that good or her rhythms that compelling.
But Lady Gaga's work with Tony Bennett, on Bennett's Duets II, has changed my mind. Singing "The Lady Is A Tramp" she turns in a great performance, hanging in there with Bennett, ad-libbing, enjoying herself, and even doing a bit of respectable scat.
Who knew? The woman is a musician.
Photo credit: By Domain Barnyard (Lady Gaga at CES 2010) [CC-BY-2.0 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons