To my surprise, I'm kind of a PowerPoint fan. I know slides can be deadly, but when done right, slides and pictures can add a lot to a speech. At least that's my theory. Others who've seen my talks may have a different view.
That said, PowerPoint holds few surprises for today's audiences. So I was tickled to find "Prezi" online today. It's a new way of presenting information, which uses a kind of swooping motion and endless nested layers of magnification to give visual order to a presentation. I liked it enough to spend much of Sunday learning the system . I also tried my hand at a "prezi" substitute for the slides I use in the first ten minutes my usual talk about the themes of "Skating on Stilts."
The prezi I did was meant to accompany a talk, so it may be a little hard to follow unless you've read the first chapter of the book or heard the talk. Oh, and if you get seasick easily, you might want to take it slowly.
You can see the Prezi here:
Let me know what you think.